Kamis, 04 Juli 2013


Understanding of marketing is often interpreted with sales, actually marketing broader than just sales activities. In general, marketing is a marketing activity to run a business profit or nonprofit to needs of the market with goods and services, pricing, distributing and promoting through the exchange process in order to satisfy customers and achieve goals of company.
Basic of  element in the marketing activities:
1. Marketers, is an organization of companies or individuals that have a specific purpose for the organization or individual. The Destination marketers for example, profit survival, market share, customer loyalty and  etc.
2. Government (oriented  towards the common good)
3. Goods and services, is the form offered by manufacturers to meet the needs and desires of consumers.
 4. Market, is a private consumer or corporate organizations who have needs and desires that form as the demand for goods and services. Market exchange has the capacity to be able to obtain the requested items.
5. Exchange process, are two activities that require something that belongs to someone else in an attempt to meet the needs and desires of each..
In marketing, marketers need to perform functional activities. Here are some marketing functions, including:
a. Purchase
b. Sale
c. Delivery
d. Storage
e. Standardization and classification
f. Packing
g. Insurer risk
h. Funding
i. Pengendaliaan information pemsaran

Although the role of the marketer is very important in any business activity, meaning it is not a uniform understanding of the influence of several factors. Konsidi market, prosuk nature, the environment and the main thing is the view of the marketer is marketing. In other words it can be said that the concept pemasasran adopted by each company are not the same.

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